wedding dances
Make your wedding dance unforgettable! Your wedding dance is a special moment that will be remembered for years to come. Let us help you create a choreographed routine that perfectly reflects your personalities and style.
With our private wedding dance lessons, you'll learn fun and entertaining moves that will make you feel confident and comfortable on the dance floor. Our expert instructors will tailor the lessons to your individual needs and abilities, ensuring a memorable experience for both you and your guests.
Let's create a wedding dance that you'll cherish forever.
wedding dance packages
private lessons
1 Lesson: $130
3 Lessons: $375
5 Lessons: $595
7 Lessons: $770 Most Popular
10 Lessons: $1,050 Best Value!
Expires 6 months from date of purchase.
Pre-registration required. Call or email to reserve your spot:
(877) 393-2623
benefits of taking wedding dance lessons
Create a memorable moment: Your wedding dance will be captured in photos and videos for years to come.
Express your personalities: Design a dance that reflects your unique styles and personalities.
Gain confidence: Feel at ease and confident on the dance floor.
Learn entertaining moves: Impress your guests with a choreographed routine.
Receive personalized instruction: Our private programs cater to your individual needs and abilities.
Make your wedding day extra special: A memorable wedding dance can add a touch of magic to your celebration.